tonight's gonna be a good night

saved words from others on terminus

  • You have been a constant source for support, respect, comfort and endless laughs.

  • truly, no one thinks as highly of me as you do.

  • I think it's an admirable thing that you try not to let that sort of stuff happen to other people, when a lot of people would just shut down after that.

  • You have taught me so much and make me strive to be better.

  • You know what I mean, smart ass.

  • while i don't know if any of it's what you expected when you received assignment to the ship, you've really stepped up to the task of being a leader both on and off duty, and a great friend to have, regardless of the endeavor mission. i am truly grateful the stars aligned in such a way that our paths have crossed.

  • I just want to say thank you. For being so inclusive. It means a lot to feel a part of something and you’re really what seems to hold things together.

  • You know how to make a person feel welcomed.

  • oh that was terrible, roman. but it did make me laugh.

  • I don't deserve you, I am not worthy!

  • i find you endearing.

  • your empathy is fascinating

  • You're irresistable.

  • i don't know what inspires you to come and say such kind things, but you really have a knack for knowing when people need to hear it - or maybe we just always do. either way, it's one of the things that makes you such a great officer to serve under.

  • I'll surprise you then.

  • you just get more cool points in my book

  • i don't think i can put the words together right now, to thank you for this. i really do need this right now.

  • I love you.

  • I enjoyed your conversation yesterday and I don’t have too many people here to talk to so I thought I would make an attempt.

  • Are you okay?

  • I’m not sure what I did to deserve this but it means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me.

  • :)

  • I would like to hug you. So I will.

  • Your ass better still be alive out there because you've been gone long enough for me to know I'm fucked here without you.

  • I'll still find you.

  • You’re very reasonable. You have an interesting way of looking at things.

  • Geeky. Handsome. Ridiculous. A great kisser. Yeah, you've ticked the boxes.

  • Being a fan of that smile, I'm glad when I'm the reason for it.

  • I think you're great so it's fine.

  • Mind some company?

  • Do you promise?

  • Have more nice feelings.

  • this is why i need you around because you always set my head on right.

  • i'm not sure what i'd do without you sometimes.

  • all joking aside.. are you doing ok?

  • i mean, seriously. i adore spending time with you even if it mostly ends up with bad things happening. i just like being around you.

  • oh, roman. i never believe you could lose that loving feeling.

  • i'll raise my cup to that.

  • i am moved and honored by these kind words.